Friday, March 30, 2012

HN English 10 - Ismene & The Choral Interludes

For homework over the weekend, you should answer the following two questions using the metaphoric information provided in the Choral Interludes on pages 136 and 142:
  1. Why does Ismene live?  Explain based on the interludes.
  2. How is the curse lifted?  Explain based on the interludes. 
You should use specific examples to prove your answers.

Your Antigone test will be on Wednesday, April 4.

Over the weekend, you should also be reading your independent reading novel.  Distributed in class yesterday were assignment sheets for your independent reading project.  It will be due on Tuesday, April 24 at the beginning of class.  Your characterization quotation chart template can be found HERE.  We will have an in-class conferencing day on Friday, April 20.

Your books are due the Monday we return from spring break and you will be responsible for a reading quiz specific to your novel (as discussed in class, know characters, plot, main themes and conflicts). 

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Remember you are writing to your English teacher. Use your best grammar and spelling and watch your tone.